The tomb of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep is one of the most beautiful pieces of artwork from the Old Kingdom, as well as one of the more contraversial. Their mastaba is generally referred to as "The Tomb of Two Brothers," however, this title can be slightly misleading, as nowhere in the tomb is there any reference to them being brothers. There are other theories into their relationship, such as them actually being siamese twins, or them being the first ever same-sex couple known from history. Both these ideas are primarily based on the ways in which they were depicted together in the artwork of their tomb, and their names and titles which they had during their lifetime. They are both generally credited with living during the reign of the 5th dynasty pharaoh, Nyussera, although, it's said they may have lived in Menkauhor's reign, whom was the successor of Nyuserra. This is based on their titles, which include; "Priests of Ra in the Sun Temple of Nyuserra," "Wab Priests of the Mortuary Temple of Nyuserra," "Supervisor of the Manicurists of the Palace," and "Confidant of the King" among others. Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep's titles show that these men were highly favoured by the king regardless of their relatiionship to each other. The name Niankhkhnum means "Life Belongs to Khnum" and Khnumhotep means "Khnum is Satisfied."

[Right - Layout of the mastaba (not to scale). E: Entrance, V1: First vestibule, V2: Second vestibule, C1: First chamber, C2: Second chamber, X: Courtyard, A: Antechamber, B: Burial chamber, and S: Serdab. Red squares: Burial shafts of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, and Blue squares: Other shafts. Click on the map to see the diagram close-up.]
The mastaba is situated beneath the Causeway of the Unis pyramid at Saqqara. The entrance is situated on the north side whch leads you straight into the first vestibule.

[Above - Scene from the first chamber in the mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep. Photo supplied by Carla.]

[Above - Scene from the second vestibule in the mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep. Photo supplied by Carla.]

[Above - Close up scene from the second vestibule in the mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep. Photo supplied by Carla.]

[Above - Scene from the inside of the doorway at the second vestibule in the mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep. Photo supplied by Carla.]

[Above - Close up of Niankhkhnum from the mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep. Photo supplied by Carla.]

[Above - Reproduction of a scene located in the south-west area of the chapel of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep embracing. By Troy Caperton.]

[Above - False doors of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep along the west wall in the offering chamber of their mastaba. Photo supplied by Carla.]

[Above - Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep's final embrace along the west wall in the offering chamber of their mastaba. Photo supplied by Carla.]